Low Pressure Fitness 8week Program $1200
Learn the hypopressive maneuver in 3/30 min sessions per week, for 8 weeks
Service Description
Low Pressure Fitness training was inspired by a combination of the yoga pranayama (breath regulation) Uddiyana Bandha, and the postural work of Francoise Mèzière, a French Physiotherapist. It is a practice of regulating the breath to about 6 cycles per minute, then combining this breath maneuver with functional postures of varying gravitational relationships - and holding each posture for one minute, while correcting and misalignments that come up within that minute. The benefits are numerous - from circulatory, digestive, decreasing incontinence, stimulating the TVA & internal obliques, reducing prolapse, reducing lower back pain, to improve heart rate variability and better breath regulation.

Cancellation Policy
Missed or cancelled movement sessions will be deducted from your package and the session will be emailed to you to complete within thats same week.
Contact Details