Étirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation Ostéo Articulaire
Thats french for Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptative Stretching. It is Guy VOYER MD, DO, the Osteopath who through years of very intense research and study of the link of the fascia, created an ELDOA™️ for each joint in the body. He developed a very comprehensive paradigm of precise exercises that are very specific to the fascia of a certain muscle (Sterno-cleido-occipital-mastoid), a specific ligament (ex. ACL), or a specific joint space (ex. L4/5, acromio-clavicular).
These postures are held in a specific way, and when practiced properly will basically unjam a joint space that is coapted.
But do not expect a passive stretch class. These postures do require much energy & vigor(they are very strengthening), but will be extremely happy with the results, and will incorporate it into your regular fitness or after participating in your favorite sport.