Hello, I'm Denise
I am passionate about supporting people on a one on one basis, who need to recover from stress & pressure, both actively through movement & passively through massage therapies. I have been working with the human body for 20+ years as a Massage Therapist and 10+ years as a Pilates and therapeutic movement teacher. My mission to help people feel really well in their bodies so they can live happier lives.
My Story
I began my Pilates practice as a young girl, on the living room floor mimicking my Mother as she did her Denise Austin Pilates videos. I went on into adulthood consistently doing the Basi mat Pilates system, as well as Ana Caban's Pilates as a way to supplement my strength training and cardio sessions. Anytime I could attend a mat class in local gyms, I did. Feeling the benefits of the system, I went on to do a complete 488 hour comprehensive training on the apparatus through Balanced Body. The mat work is key to a solid foundation in Pilates, and the apparatus can take you to the next level with spring resistance, some of the closed kinetic chain work it offers, and the new ways of improving your balance and coordination.​
My interest in the human body led me to the knowledge of our fascial system. This started with learning Myofascial Release, taught by Carrie Taylor of Taylor Techniques, an RMT, formerly a teacher at NYC's Swedish Institute. Being so impressed by this new way of seeing the body, I have since taken every one of her courses that cover several pathologies within our fasciae that can be treated with manual therapy.
Education on the fascial system spilled over into my movement therapies, by studying Guy VOYER's ELDOA/Soma with Ilaria Cavagna & Wendy Shubin, as well as Low Pressure Fitness Hypopressives with Becky Keller, Alexa Marine & Tamara Rial. This unconventional knowledge has enabled me to help many clients make deeper connections & improvements within the core of their bodies in ways traditional/conventional Pilates and fitness training can’t . I continue my education through the SOMA VOYER training program as well as with LPF hypopressive therapy.
For pleasure I enjoy cooking, getting outside for long walks, reading, watching movies and shows, hanging out with friends/loved ones, and hand building clay sculptures. Travel has always been a passion, even if it has not been a current focus.
You may email me with any inquiries Denise@pilates-eldoa.com